A.C.T.I.V.E Prayer
June 24, 2019
Many years ago, I was taught the ‘ACTS’ pattern for my personal prayers. It’s a simple acronym. Begin with A – Adoration (Praise and worship), then C – Confession (Of sin, seeking forgiveness), then T – Thanksgiving, and finally S – Supplication (Make your requests to God).
Oscar Muriu suggested a slight modification. He calls it ACTIVE prayer. It’s an acronym. Same, same - but different.
A – Adoration. Praise the Lord. Declare his glory. Extol his worth. It may help to use the alphabet as a guide (Lord, you are Almighty, Beautiful, Caring, etc…) or read a psalm of praise and make it your own.
C – Confession. Confess your sin to God. Ask for forgiveness and cleansing and be assured of receiving it in Jesus’ name.
T – Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for. Count your blessings, name them one by one.
I – Intercession. Pray for other people, ministries, concerns, your own personal anxieties and needs. Don’t be reluctant. Asking God shows that we trust him and recognise him as Lord over all.
V – Victorious Prayer. When we pray, we engage in spiritual warfare. Our Lord has defeated Satan and his demonic hosts. Pray with an awareness of the conflict at hand and declare the victory of Jesus over areas where you feel spiritual warfare is at its most intense.
E – Extreme Asking. Pray for those things that will only happen if God intervenes in power. Pray, to quote Pastor Oscar, ‘Big, Hairy, Audacious Prayers. Make God sweat.’ It’s OK. He can handle it. He is God.
I’ve started praying ACTIVE prayers from time to time. Perhaps you might join me.