

When Oscar Muriu came and preached to us about getting out of our comfort zones, I had no idea the impact, this sermon would have on me.

A few things resonated within my spirit. I know I’m not the only one who was ministered to that day.

I’ve had several conversations with people here who have felt that we must somehow take seriously what God may be saying to us through this prophet who came from Nairobi.

So given that what he said was disturbing, I thought it might be helpful to share how I think we can start to weigh up some of his words and sift them, look at them from different angles and start acting as God leads us individually.

The term “comfort zone” means we are living in a space which is comfortable to us. We have found our place. We have settled. We have defined boundaries and we have put up fences. All around us, we feel safe. We are not taking risks any more as we have found our place of rest. But we are not really growing.

So what is your comfort zone. Do you know what makes you feel safe? Let’s remove some layers and think about putting ourselves in some situations where we have to trust God. Now can you name a few things that are outside your comfort zone. Once you know what they are, what would happen if you were to prayerfully experiment with moving outside that zone, remove one layer and look around. Then pray and ask God to remove the next boundary. Where will that take you?

If for instance, God were to say, trust me, I want you to pack your things, leave, go to another place and be present to my people over there, would you consider going? If the answer is no and these questions are making you uncomfortable, then perhaps it’s time to think about why. Our church is blessed. We have been fed. It’s time to bless others.

I once read a quote that the safest place for a Christian is when he or she is walking in the will of God. Our identity in Christ is not dependent on worldly possessions, on the suburb where we live, the cars we drive, the jobs we have, whether we succeed or whether we fail or even in how we define ourselves.

As Christians we are safe in God’s sight. Our eternal destiny has been secured for us by the precious blood of Jesus who died on the cross for our sins. So we don’t need to fear.

As you think about how you will serve God in the coming months, allow Him to disturb you and ask for grace to know him more, do his work and go where he calls you, wherever that may be.

And when we get to heaven, I pray that many of us will have great tales of adventures as we step out in faith.