God is working His purpose out as year succeeds to year
September 8, 2017Today (8th September) I received a phone call from Doreen Watson, who 50 years ago answered the Lord’s call to serve in Nepal with Wycliffe Bible Translators. She was strongly supported by Pennant Hills Baptist Church in this work.
It was exciting to learn that on Sunday next a man named Karna Tamang will be inducted as the Pastor into a branch church in Katmandu Nepal with a congregation of now around 1000 believers. Karna and a few other believers planted this Church out of the main Church in Katmandu. Karna wanted to thank Pennant Hills Baptist Church for their prayer and financial support which completed several years ago.
Doreen spoke of how the government supported them and gave every assistance as they commenced their work some 50 years ago. Doreen was in a village inhabited by the Tamang peoples about 2 hours bus ride from Katmandu. Karna was one of the men in this village and assisted Doreen in translating parts of God’s Word over many years. Doreen recalled the first person to follow the Lord was a lady they named Lydia. She listened carefully to the Bible stories and remembered well every detail. Her daughter also became a believer and so too her children who today are active workers with YWAM.
A past elder of Pennant Hills Baptist Church, Arthur Sindel, met Karna and Doreen in London when the fist publication of the New Testament was published in the Tamang language
“God is working His purpose out as year succeeds to year”. What a privilege it is to be part of the Lord’s work.