Hear Oscar Muriu
April 26, 2019Last October the Baptist Association organised a church planting and evangelism conference in Nelson Bay. Given our ‘Towards 2020’ goal to ‘Raise up and send team/s for strategic Kingdom growth’, I thought I should go. Perhaps I’d learn something, but mostly I wanted to network.
I really didn’t want to attend. I figured I’d be hanging out with groovy church planting types and spend most of my time feeling like a fish out of water.
I rang the conference coordinator. He said there would be a stand-up comedian and a keynote speaker from Africa named Oscar. ‘Great’, I thought, ‘Just what I’m looking for’.
Conviction got the better of me and I registered. I’m glad I did. The stand-up comedian was none other than ‘Uncle Nath’. He made me laugh. I invited him to Penno. Uncle Nath joined us two Sundays back and, boy, did we laugh - as well as being challenged and encouraged. I’m hoping to ask Uncle Nath back again.
The speaker from Africa was Oscar Muriu. I was convicted. I wanted to share his messages with our Elders’, but no one recorded his talks – not even audio. I approached Oscar and asked if there was anything similar online. He said, ‘No. But I’ll be back next May if you’d like me to share with your church then’. I jumped at the opportunity.
Next weekend Oscar Muriu will be coming to Penno in partnership with Thornleigh Community Baptist. He is an inspiring speaker. He loves the Lord and has a passion for his kingdom. Don’t miss hearing Oscar. His message could be life-changing.