Resurrection People
April 22, 2019We are people who believe, at the core of our being and values, in the hope of resurrection. We celebrate Easter, not as an extended public holiday, but as an affirmation of the promise of new life. Jesus was crucified for our sin. On Friday afternoon He breathed his last. His body was hastily embalmed and placed in a rock tomb. A large stone was rolled over the entrance, a Roman guard set in place.
Everything looked hopeless. But on Sunday morning, in accordance with the saving purposes and plan of Eternal God, Jesus rose to new life. The stone was rolled away. The guards, so fearful and threatening, were themselves paralysed with fear. There was a complete reversal: Resurrection. Jesus is alive.
As resurrection people, we believe that even in the darkest night, there is hope.
In the depths of sickness, we believe in God’s good purposes and the hope of healing.
Encountering a marriage that is fractured and bleeding, we continue to work for reconciliation and enduring love.
When substance abuse and lifestyle choices have robbed all dignity and joy, we believe in the possibility of transformation and renewed possibilities.
In a world of decay and degradation, we believe in God’s promise of a new heavens and a new earth.
When the grave takes life and breath, smiles and conversation; when the grave robs us of those we love, we believe in Easter. We believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the promise of resurrection life through faith in him.
We do not despair. We are people of resurrection.