
new year

As we leave 2019 behind and step into 2020, let us set our hearts aright, and my poem below expresses this desire.




The path Christ chooses for me-

Through valleys and up peaks,

Through bush and rolling meadows-

Is the path that I must seek.


For should I, in my foolishness,

Think only I know best

Risk getting lost and losing all,

Bereft of manna and rest.


He longs that I not walk alone,

He walks ahead of me,

Cheering me on, lifting me up,

Comforting tenderly.


He sends along my pilgrim path

Others who follow Him,

That we may journey side by side

And honour Him as King.


Are we not so richly blessed?

Yet let us not forget

To sound the gospel call with love

For blessings should be shared!