
There’s a new president in the United States. Maybe you’ve heard. Despite his boasting of ungodly behaviour and despite his lack of any Christian convictions, he has been courting the Christian vote –very effectively.

On 2nd February, President Donald J Trump attended his first ‘National Prayer Breakfast’. It received considerable media attention. During President Trump’s short speech he took a shot at celebrity former politician, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnie’s now hosting Trump’s reality TV show, ‘The Apprentice’. But his ratings aren’t as good. I want to just pray for Arnold for those ratings’, said the President. Hah ha….

It’s enough to make you cry and despair for the future of the USA.

What was not reported by the media was the message delivered by US Senate Chaplain, Retired Rear Admiral Barry Black, at that very same prayer breakfast. I invested the 27 minutes it took to watch his message (Search YouTube ‘Barry Black 2017’). It was well worth the investment.

There in the midst of more than 4,000 government, business and religious leaders from all over the USA and the world, was an unapologetic appeal to the priority of prayer - ‘Let’s make our voices heard in heaven’. Black shared his personal testimony of the power of God’s Word to transform, and then he preached pure, Jesus exalting gospel. No one reported it, but here was the power of God manifest amongst the so called mighty and powerful in Washington DC.

There is hope: hope for America, hope for Australia, hope for the world. ‘On Christ the solid rock we stand, all other ground is sinking sand’.