Listening to Jonny’s teaching from the Book of Ruth, I couldn’t help but be reminded of ‘Wisdom’s Call’ in Proverbs 8:1-11 when I thought about Naomi’s response to despair.
“Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice? YES, they do – on the heights along the way where the paths meet, she takes her stand; beside the gates leading into the city, at entrance, she cries aloud. Wisdom calls out to all men and raises her voice to all mankind. Listen because wisdom has worthy things to say – she speaks what is right, true and detests wickedness All her words are just, not crooked or perverse.”
“To the discerning, wisdom’s words are right; and faultless to those who have knowledge. Choose Wisdom’s instructions instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold for wisdom is more precious than rubies and nothing I desire can compare with her.”
Surely these verses are not talking about my human wisdom but God’s Wisdom which he offers to impart to us.
James 1:5 reminds us that “if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him”
This week I have been challenged about my personal godliness. If I want to grow in godliness, I need Godly wisdom and not my own wisdom. Amongst the busyness of life, am I relying on my own wisdom to make good choices and decisions or God’s wisdom? Can I recognise the voice and call of God’s Wisdom in my daily life? May my heart be open to his correction and encouragement.