
chris bunny

One of our highlights these holidays was getting two rabbits from the Chong’s newly bred litter. I’ve been assured that they’re both female although my confidence was somewhat undermined by the frequency Jade was cross-checking her phone and consulting Eli about their gender.


Two weeks on since welcoming the rabbits into our home and I’m questioning our decision. Our rabbits, Ricotta and Nutmeg, are definitely cute and entertaining. I give credit to the kids for enduring the soaring temperatures to lovingly tend to the rabbits whilst responsibly getting their feed each morning. They’ve even managed to teach the rabbits a trick or two.


However, I really should have done some research beforehand. Who knew carrots are occasional treats and lettuce is deadly? Or that rabbits are sensitive to temperature and defecate while eating - a lot? I was horrified when cleaning the hutch and I only have to do it another 520 times (not that I’m counting or googled a rabbit’s life expectancy).


I suspect that our family is going to be learning a lot about commitment this year and going forward.


However, all this makes me wonder whether I have the same “Iet’s just get through this” attitude to my Christian life. I admit a tendency to focus on the mechanics and requirements of Christian living. I often find myself begrudging in bible reading and struggling to find motivation to love others. I pray that God will transform my heart to love Him more so that I can have a joy-filled and hope-driven commitment to Him that goes beyond mere duty and obligation.