We Love Kids!

Vision: Within a nurturing and inclusive Community and in partnership with families, KIDS@SL’S vision is to show and teach children about knowing Jesus so that they can respond in faith to Him. For vision statement and core values, please refer to PHBC Sunday School Vision & Core values.

PennoBaps Kids Ministry is designed solely for the purpose of helping children know, love, and follow Jesus. Our Kids Ministry is deeply committed to seeing kids reached with the gospel We believe children are very capable of understanding the truths of the gospel and have the ability to repent of their sin and trust Christ for their salvation. Our Sunday School program runs during Sunday Service time (10AM Morning service). We have grouped classes for children aged four through to year 6 at school. We use a gospel-centered curriculum to teach the kids about the Bible in a fun and interactive way.

Please contact Jessie if you’d like more information.

6 Weeks – 3 Years Old
We run a crèche for children aged 1 to 3 during our morning service. There are toys and games to play with and craft activities to do.

3 – 5 Years Old
We believe in active and hands-on learning experiences with our busy preschoolers. From the time they walk through the door, they will enjoy a variety of activities that center around their Bible Story for the day. Children will participate in learning activities, crafts, music, games, and more as they learn about Jesus’ love for them. Preschoolers are invited to stay for continued learning as their parents attend worship.

Kindergarten to Second Grade
Our school aged Kids are studying through stories, crafts and games. Each week, we are using a gospel-centered curriculum called Bible Studies For Life/The Gospel Project to teach kids. This chronological study helps kids understand the entire narrative of Scripture and how each story points to our Savior.

Third Grade – Sixth Grade
Our school aged Kids are studying through stories, crafts and games. Each week, we are using a gospel-centered curriculum called Bible Studies For Life/The Gospel Project to teach kids. This chronological study helps kids understand the entire narrative of Scripture and how each story points to our Savior.