Our Vision - Towards 2028

At Pennant Hills Baptist Church, our vision is to be a Christ-centred church growing, multiplying, planting, and nurturing towards 2028.

  • Growing to an average attendance of 350 people
  • Multiplying to provide a variety of options for worship services.
  • Planting or revitalizing another church.

Our Mission

Our mission is to be a caring community passionate about knowing Jesus Christ, becoming more like him, and making him known.

Statement of Beliefs

We hold to the Statement of Beliefs as specified by the Baptist Association. Please use this link to see our Statement of Beliefs - https://nswactbaptists.org.au/beliefs/

Our Core Values

We Believe the Bible
We believe the Bible is God’s authoritative Word, with the power to change us to be more like Jesus…
Because of this, we read it, study it, proclaim it, and endeavour to live it out.

We Value Persistent Prayer
We believe that as God’s children we are totally dependent on Him…
Because of this, we value persistent prayer.

We Worship All Day, Every Day
We believe worship is an expression of our close walk with God…
Because of this, we seek to live Spirit filled, godly lives all day every day and our worship together should reflect the Spirit’s work in our lives.

We Make Jesus Known
We believe Jesus Christ died for the lost…
Because of this, we have a passion to make Him known in our everyday relationships, in our community, and throughout the world.

We Encourage Growth
We believe that as a living church we should be growing…
Because of this, we encourage every believer to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ, and we seek to equip, train and support them to serve Him.

We Strive to be a Caring Community
We believe that through close relationship with other believers we grow as Christians and experience God’s love…
Because of this, we strive to be a caring community that shows acceptance and compassion.

We Give with Cheerful Hearts
We believe God’s generosity to us compels us to show sacrificial generosity to others…
Because of this, we give with cheerful hearts from all that God has given us.

We are Equipped for Service
We believe that as the body of Christ we are equipped for service…
Because of this, we encourage every member in the use of their gifts to serve others in love for the glory of God.

We are Led by Courageous Servants
We believe our church will reflect the character of its leaders…
Because of this, our Leaders should be courageous servants who model the Christian life through a love for God, a love for His Word and a love for others.

We are Compelled by Love
We believe the law of love governs us…
Because of this, we are to be compelled by God’s love in everything we do.