

Dear Lord,

I went to Penshurst the other day. I’d never been to Penshurst before. It’s just next to Hurstville and Oatley and Beverly Hills. How is it that I’ve managed to miss Penshurst all these years?

I saw lots of people in Penshurst, which is, I suppose, to be expected. How is it, Lord, that although I know next to nothing about Penshurst, you have an intimate knowledge of every person who calls Penshurst home? And you don’t just know them, you love them! You sent your Son to die for each one, so they may be forgiven and set free and brought back into relationship with yourself forever.

Father, this is too much. Because… it’s not just Penshurst. It’s Sydney – Australia – it’s the World!

How can you know everyone in Africa? How can you have concern for the countless masses in India? Or the teeming crowds that jam subway stations in Tokyo? I can’t deal with Penshurst. But you have the whole world in your hands.

It’s all too wonderful for me. I know that full well.   

Father God, all power, glory, wisdom, and honour belong to you. I praise your mighty name – though your greatness exceeds my comprehension.

By your Spirit, help me to love like you love. Lord, I can’t deal with Penshurst, but perhaps I can deal with those whom you do bring into my life. Help me to share your love and declare your greatness.  Give me a heart for your world – that many more may come to know you and be astounded, as I am, by your greatness and glory.